List of Monographs of the Africa Institute of Mental & Brain Health

1.Nation Newspaper Articles on Psychiatry and Mental Health, 1982 – 1998.
2.Traditional and Faith Healers’ Practices in Kangemi Informal Settlement, Nairobi-Kenya.
3.Baseline Study on the Situation and Governance of Mental Health and Development Services in Kenya – Case Study of Kibera (Nairobi West District), Kiambu West, Laikipia North and Nyeri North Districts.
4.Types of Mental Illness Managed by Traditional Healers in Kenya.
5.A Study on Assessment of Needs, Care in The Homes and Clinical Trends Among the Elderly in Kenya – A Rapid Situation Assessment.
6.University of Nairobi Economic-Social-Political Aspects of Illicit Drug use in Kenya.
7.The Kyanguli Secondary School Fie Tragedy, 25/26 March 2001 Machakos, Kenya.
8.Drug Abuse in Kenya Information, Needs, Resources and Analysis (INRA) Project for Kenya.
9.The Walk Towards the Promise A view of Mental Health in Global, Kenyan and Individual Perspectives.
10.Baseline study on Mental illness in Kangemi Location, Nairobi, Kenya.
11.East Africa drug Information Systems (EADIS).
12.Psychotrauma Training Module for Trainers of Trainers in Rwanda following the 1994 Genocide – Seminar T.OT Module.
13.Prevalence of Mental Disorders and the Attitudes of Staff in General Medical Facilities in Kenya.
14.United Nations Office Drugs and Crime (UNODC) – Study on the Assessment of the Linkages between drugs abuse injecting drug abuse and HIV/AIDS in Kenya.
15.Psychotrauma training for the United Nations International criminal tribunal for Rwanda (UNICTR).
16.Neuro-Psychiatric Disorders and Quality of Life Among People With Epilepsy.
17.Promotion of Physical Health in Persons With Severe Mental Disorders.
18.United Nations Office Drugs and Crime (UNODC – Mental Disorders and HIV Risk Behaviours Among Prisoners in South Sudan.
19.The Psychological and Social Profiles of Cancer Patients Seen at Kenyatta National Hospital.
20.Mental Health Needs Assessment of Somali Urban Refugees.
21.A Report on Counselling Training for Anti-Rape Committees, VWC Workers, CDW’s.