Personal Details
Name Dr. Victoria Mutiso
Primary Specialty Director of Research
Experience 9+ Years
Education & Training
Education University of Nairobi
Residency Nairobi, Kenya
Practice Areas Psychology
Certifications PhD and Masters in Clinical Psychology

Social Media


Dr. Mutiso holds a PhD and Masters in Clinical Psychology from the University of Nairobi. She is in charge of research in addition to overseeing the overall administration of the Foundation. She has been the Principal Investigator for two projects run by the Foundation on innovative integration of mental health services in primary health care through task-shifting to include both formal and informal health care systems.

She has a strong interest in mental health-related research and emerging trends. She also has a strong bias to child psychology, parent-child relationships and developmental issues. She is a co-author in a manual on psycho-trauma, has contributed book chapters and published several articles in peer-reviewed journals. She has been in charge of the various projects that AMHF has undertaken for the past 5 years.